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...Un hombre encerrado en un cuarto, ocupado en la tarea de proteger el sitio para que nada ni nadie ingrese en él. Descubre una ventana sin sellar y en ella la posibilidad de que alguna duda lo invada.

el dia que el juego se detuvo


…Juega mucho y juega bien, juega como si tu vida dependiera de ello. Porque depende…

(Dean Koontz)


Dueto de danza contemporánea donde la fisicalidad, el juego, el riesgo y la comunicación activa ponen a los interpretes en situaciones de entrega, de confianza, de imaginación y de compromiso constante para que la acción pueda ocurrir con toda la seriedad que conlleva. En el juego puedes convertirte en otro ser, puedes ir a donde la imaginación te lo permita y puede ser tan real como tu racionalidad lo decida. Ahora si te atreves a jugar asúmelo, entiende y cumple sus reglas, comprométete y vive.



¿Quién le dio a mi cerebro esta forma? 

“LOCO” Es una puesta en escena que indaga la realidad anormal de un ser y revela su caos mental. Delirios, miedos, alucinaciones, paranoia, fantasías, éxtasis… son estados alterados de consciencia que el intérprete transitará durante la pieza, comprometiéndolo a mantener un lenguaje gestual y corporal al límite generando momentos catárticos y de descarga emotiva que dan cuenta de estos estados en su ser y en su estar. 

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Historias intimas que tienen lugar en los lugares cerrados de las experiencias vividas de estos seres de la noche. Un inquietante puesta en escena donde tres íntimas historias se ven entrelazadas por secretos y pasiones, y una espectral presencia que los acompaña en su último aliento de vida. Con sonoridad de tango y una magistral intervención desde lo contemporáneo, hace de Tango x 3 una experiencia única.

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Winning work of the Creation Grant Alcaldía de Medellín 2016. Category Dance, Conformed Group.


The contemporary dance work proposed by the company H3, "Bastardos", is a journey into the interior of being itself. Accept a futile reality, without ignoring the value of my integral being. It brings us closer to a group of people who, for various reasons established by society and history, are marginalized from a system and taken to an isolated space.



Winning work of the Creation Grant Alcaldía de Medellín 2016. Category Dance, Conformed Group.


The contemporary dance work proposed by the company H3, "Bastardos", is a journey into the interior of being itself. Accept a futile reality, without ignoring the value of my integral being. It brings us closer to a group of people who, for various reasons established by society and history, are marginalized from a system and taken to an isolated space.




"The basic end of a feeling"


It is a work of contemporary dance, which contains five short works within its structure.


Nostalgia, encounters, discharges of emotions, sighs, memories and joys are woven in a different way with each blizzard, becoming a breath of strong wind for the senses of the spectators.



"If you do not wish me I die"


Winning work of the X Call for Scholarships for Artistic and Cultural Creation - Medellín 2013.


Words silenced that embrace the decisions made. Dissatisfaction. Satisfaction. Isolation. Meeting. Questions. Words. Loneliness. Anguish.


A unique strength keeps them standing, a false reality, to see how every moment of intimacy is diluted between the fingers. Emotions contained. A sigh. Movement. A silence Hysteria.



"Why only when you drop your feet can you start flying"


That is the precise moment when we make the decision to take the step and jump into the void, leave the safe, to enter ourselves and realize who we are ... without the floor of the known, without the rules of the established, we fall endlessly, prey to our true passions, emotions, with the only hope that our feet know where they take us.

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"Feeling alien to what we want is the signal that a new duel has begun."

Men of an absent city, is a series of encounters and disagreements of city beings who saturated in their daily lives, realize that they have already left it, there is no one to say goodbye to, who has long been absent.
Now they start a race against the clock to make themselves present, to find themselves in the other. Bodies in movement in front of a given reality, a forced intimacy, an inescapable collectivity.

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